The experts in underwater commercial diving

We've been around for 26 years, we know what we are doing.

About Bay Underwater Services NZ Ltd

Bay Underwater Services NZ Ltd is New Zealand's largest personally owned commercial diving and marine construction company with a range of equipment that exceeds our client's expectations. We offer companies a competitive and diverse range of commercial diving and underwater services. With highly trained staff and an extensive range of specialised high quality equipment, we can deliver successful outcomes on both large and small marine construction projects.

Our Expertise

With a diverse range of skill sets in our teams we can be sure to meet our clients needs and have the correct specialised skills for each project.  Having the right people for the job has a huge impact on the finished product both in time and end results.  Having a large number of divers ensures that this happens.  Having qualified Fitters, Fitter Welders, Engineers, Diesel and Petrol Mechanics within our teams adds strengths to the diving team and what we can assist a client with.

Our Experience

We have been operating within the commercial diving industry since 1984 with zero lost time injuries. Commitment to safety is of extreme importance in the often hostile environment of marine construction. Therefore, we adhere strictly to all systems put in place and in accordance with Worksafe requirements and AS/NZ 2299.1:2015 Occupational Diving Operations guidelines.

Social Responsibility

As a company we are fully supportive of local and national charities and organisations. These are some of the charities we support, click the links below to find out how you can also help.